EMPRENEM | Emprenem Masquefa Association | Non-profit association
Founding member of an association that promotes entrepreneurial activity among young people. Contributing with my experience as a freelancer and collaborating in design, communication and web development tasks.
web development : emprenem.org
SOLOMAT | Inmersalia Trading S.L. | Warehouse of building materials
Shop arrangement, planning and labeling. Publicity design and printing layout. Community manager tasks. IT support and commercial tools development. Web planning, design, development and maintenance. Online positioning (SEO/SEM).
web development : solomat.net | cocinasterrassa.com | outletterrassa.com | parquetterrassa.com
PREDECAT | Prefabricats Decoratius Catalunya S.L. | Manufacturer of prefabricated concrete
Design and development of new construction products. Catalogue creation and printing layout. E-mailing communication campaigns. Office and vehicles labeling. Web development and content management. Online positioning (SEO/SEM).
web development : predecat.com | drainpool.com | rematepiscina.com
SUMEX | Subministraments de Materials i Excavacions Igualada S.L. | Warehouse of building materials
Creation of commercial documents. Publicity design and printing layout. Web design, development, content management and maintenance. Online positioning (SEM). Community manager tasks.
web development : sumex.com.es
MARQAN | Freelance | Design
Corporate branding, graphic design, printing and labeling, photography and multimedia, marketing and web positioning, content and web design, IT service and tools, drawing and rendering.
web development : instamasquefa.cat | diat-arquitectura.com | nelkensuministros.com | beguverd.com | barcelonaparquet.net | mbconcept.es | alzinarpadel.com | fitnesshipopressiu.com | dentistamartorell.com | hotpintsolucions.com | viumasquefa.com | gampersport.com | construccionsiglesias.com | llampervending.com
MASQUELACK | Industrias Químicas Masquelack S.A. | Manufacturer of chemical products
Implementation of software and applications to optimize labor productivity. Training for the proper use of the implemented tools.
ACEMAR | Acemar Proyecta S.L. | Warehouse of building materials
Publicity design and printing layout. Community manager tasks. IT support. Web design, development, content management and maintenance.
PROYECTAHOGAR | Acemar Proyecta S.L. | Refurbishment services
Contact management, workers coordination and customer service. Design of corporate elements and vehicles. Web content updates and management.
web development : proyectahogar.com
UA3 | Urbanisme & Arquitectura 3 | Architecture and urban planning studio
Development of building projects and urban planning. CAD drafting, 3D model and rendering. Elaboration of plans, measurements and price quotations. Preparation of reports.
CTC MASQUEF@ULA | Masquefa City Council | Technological center
Coordination and dynamization of the Community Technology Center. Teaching IT office courses (Microsoft Word and Excel)